
Listen to 78 RPM recordings in all their quadraphonic splendor

State vs Kingsley

State vs Kingsley

Legal correspondents Rusty and Red provide live coverage of The State vs Dr Royal Kingsley. It is alleged that Dr Kingsley is operating an unlicensed clinic, and that none of his doctors and nurses have any actual medical credentials whatsoever. Prosecutors obtained a search warrant and conducted an early morning raid producing oodles of evidence. The defendant refused a plea deal.

Hour One has 2 20-second pauses (with music) at 14:15 and 37:08 for local station ID:

Here is Hour One divided into 3 segments to facilitate local station ID:

Hour One:

1 - All Hail Great Judge - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (Gilbert and Sullivan) - 1927

2 - Hey, Doc! - Tyree Glenn with Cab Calloway and his Orchestra - 1941

3 - Sick, Sober, and Sorry - Tommy Duncan and his Western All-Stars - 1951

4 - Good-Night, Nurse - Billy Murray - 1913

5 - Oh! Doctor - Louis Panico and his Orchestra - 1930

6 - Doctor Jazz Stomp - Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers - 1949

7 - I'm The Medicine Man for The Blues - Johnny Marvin with Nat Shilkret and his Orchestra - 1929

8 - Love Doctor Blues - Gatemouth Moore with the Tiny Grimes' Swingtet - 1946

9 - Doctor Jazz - Jacques Kluger - 1941

10 - Old Doc Yak - Ray McKinley with Will Bradley and his Orchestra - 1939

11 - Root Doctor Blues - Dr. Clayton - 1946

12 - Doctor Ketchum - Ernest Tubb and Red Foley - 1953

13 - Doctor Blues - Luis Russell - 1929

14 - Swear Thou the Jury - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (Gilbert and Sullivan) - 1927

15 - Señor Juez (Mister Judge) - Jorge Zamora with Orquesta Aragón de Cuba - 1956

16 - Long as You Got Your Health - The Merry Macs with Ray Noble and his Orchestra - 1937

Hour Two:

17 - Local Storm - The Whistler - 1944 (Radio Thriller)

18 - Finger Man Tales of the Texas Rangers - 1953 (Radio Drama)

19 - I Need Vitamin “U” - Jerry Bowne with Horace Heidt and his Musical Knights - 1942



The Dark

The Dark